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Re: Tom Waits! And Johnny Cash

Thanks very much both for that. I'd not come across 'The Man Comes Around' before you mentioned it, and am now listening to it for the first time... Love it! I always found Cash's 'The Mercy Seat' to be deeply moving, as well, of course, 'I see a Darkness'
by lewis
Tue May 27, 2014 5:31 pm
Forum: Best post-apoc music?
Topic: Tom Waits! And Johnny Cash
Replies: 3
Views: 14065

Read me first

Let's say that the starting point for this thought experiment isn't how to accelerate the recovery after an apocalypse, but how to start completely from scratch on a new world - i.e. you're starting completely from scratch and there aren't any of the resources provided by a prior, advanced civilisat...
by lewis
Thu May 22, 2014 6:33 am
Forum: How to build a civilization from scratch on another world?
Topic: Read me first
Replies: 0
Views: 10085

Re: Howdy

Their loss...!
by lewis
Thu May 22, 2014 6:23 am
Forum: New members
Topic: Howdy
Replies: 3
Views: 13120

Re: Howdy

Hi Mike, thanks for that!
Actually, I've heard of a new FOX TV series called Utopia that's coming out this Fall and you might be able to apply for the next series of that?
by lewis
Sun May 18, 2014 12:41 pm
Forum: New members
Topic: Howdy
Replies: 3
Views: 13120

Re: Deterioration of Buildings

Good question! The figures I gave in The Knowledge were assuming no-one was up-keeping any of the buildings. After an apocalypse and a severe crash in population, maintenance would cease on the vast majority of edifices and they would deteriorate and degrade with the elements. But of course, if surv...
by lewis
Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:35 pm
Forum: 1. The End of the World as we Know it
Topic: Deterioration of Buildings
Replies: 2
Views: 12570

Re: Hello

Hi mahalonalo, thanks for dropping in. Yes we have been having some problems with spam on the site, but I'm working hard to rectify it.
by lewis
Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:10 am
Forum: New members
Topic: Hello
Replies: 1
Views: 11122

Re: Alex Weir's CD3WD project

Thanks very much for that Phil - the CD3WD is a really good resource of information. I used the Appropriate Technology Library (ATL) whilst researching for The Knowledge, which shares a lot of the same references with CD3WD, but doesn't seem to be easily available any more - a really pity.
by lewis
Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:58 pm
Forum: Can you prepare for the apocalypse?
Topic: Alex Weir's CD3WD project
Replies: 9
Views: 43049

Re: Oil Rigs, perrenial leaks?

Cheers Aaron, I think you raise a very good point. As you say, oil rigs are fitted with multiple fail-safes to try to prevent catastrophic leaks, but would these definitely all work as planned, particularly as the machinery rusts and degrade? It would only take one failure to release a very large oi...
by lewis
Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:32 am
Forum: How quickly could you accelerate a reboot of civilisation?
Topic: Oil Rigs, perrenial leaks?
Replies: 1
Views: 14614

Read me first

I've posted my favourite selection of post-apocalyptic film on The Knowledge website. Do you agree? What else would you include?

Please add your thoughts below as separate posts in the forum, rather than replying to this 'Read me' introduction.
by lewis
Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:05 pm
Forum: Best post-apoc films?
Topic: Read me first
Replies: 0
Views: 9013

Read me first

I've posted my favourite selection of post-apocalyptic music on The Knowledge website. Do you agree? What else would you include?

Please add your thoughts below as separate posts in the forum, rather than replying to this 'Read me' introduction.
by lewis
Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:16 pm
Forum: Best post-apoc music?
Topic: Read me first
Replies: 0
Views: 8945

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