MUSTELID: 24ft x 5/4ft x 6in aka ~6m x ~1.33m x ~1.5dm aka 3 x 1 x 1/2 ply sheets
Hi Folks,
We've recently designed, built and tested a small rowing/sailing micro-cruiser for two, employing a scrounger's mix of techniques. Although we built this proto-type with epoxy and fiberglass tape (near impossible to scrounge) it could be built using more traditional, lower tech methods using materials presented in The Knowledge and standard frame construction. Plywood, plexiglass and fasteners should all be available for scavenge post-cataclysm.
This vessel is relatively easy and efficient to build, has onboard shelter, is human/wind powered and has a low profile (post-cataclysmic virtues). It's only one example of many great designs that would be suited to the purpose.
A video series of MUSTELID's design, build and shakedown cruise can be viewed without charge in this YouTube playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... d0OC0O0RAv
If you are interested in our strategy for approaching cataclysm (which relates to the series and incorporates water transport), I've laid it out here:
http://teotwurbulence.blogspot.com/2015 ... ategy.html
A general post on 'bug-out-boats' is here:
https://www.duckworksmagazine.com/12/co ... index.html
You can read more from us on such subjects at the links listed in our signature, below.
Fair winds and bonne chance!
Dave Z