20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:15 am

20180421 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

And thus ends “The Wealth of Nations”. I am undecided about where to proceed from here with Mr. Smith.

In the mean time:

Because this thread is based upon Adam Smith's writings, it is appropriate to comment upon “living” economics as it is unfolding “in real time” today in 2018. The saga of tariffs continues.
1. An article published by https://thefederalist.com showed up in the news feed, so I'm planning to consider it next week. The title is: “Why Free Trade, Not Tariffs, Actually Increases American Jobs”

The Associated Press in the United States ran a story which appeared in the local newspaper on April 28, 2018. The title is:
Begin Quotation:
Hope for trade visit to China: A delay in harmful tariffs
End Quotation

Authors are: Josh Boak and Christopher Rugaber

In a quarter of a news page, the authors report that the delegation of US representatives headed to China may be able to negotiate a delay in the implementation of tariffs that each side is threatening to impose on the other. The authors explain the position of the US team, and provide some insight into the position of the Chinese negotiators. The article quotes economic adviser Larry Kudlow:
Begin Quotation:
it would take time to persuade China to conform to fundamental trade rules ...
End Quotation

From: https://thefederalist.com/2018/04/18/fr ... ican-jobs/
The article includes a review of history of free trade arguments and practice over several centuries. The single sentence that I find troubling is:
Begin Quotation:
Put simply, prosperity results not from a “favorable balance of trade” or from “jobs”, but from productive activity.
End Quotation.

It seems to me that this single statement encapsulates the ivory tower aspect of thought engaged in by some. The scope of the word “prosperity” is not defined by the writer. For the individual who secures an income for self and family, a “job” is the most reliable source of prosperity. I am aware that what we recognize as a “job” is often an artificial construct designed by a “job creator” who assumes responsibility for the risks inherent in the capitalist enterprise. A “job” is also quite likely to be an example of Division of Labor upon which Capitalism thrives.

The title is: “Why Free Trade, Not Tariffs, Actually Increases American Jobs” The author is: David Weinberger
In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 67 through 76
Title: “The Present”
Section: Subtraction

This section covers a variety of tools which may be computer controlled to remove material.

Devices include:
sign cutter (page 67)
laser cutter (pages 68-72)
waterjet cutter (pages 72-74)
Numeric Controlled mills (74-76)

Begin quotation from page 76:
The unsung hero of all these cutting tools is their metrology, the measurement devices that let them monitor what they are actually doing.
End Quotation.

May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:36 am

20180428 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am undecided about where to proceed from here with Mr. Smith.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

In the mean time:

Because this thread is based upon Adam Smith's writings, it is appropriate to comment upon “living” economics as it is unfolding “in real time” today in 2018. The saga of tariffs continues. A delegation of representatives from the United States has returned from a visit to China, with little in the way of results reported by either side.

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 77 through 80
Title: “Growing Inventors”
Section: Mel

This section describes a fab lab set up for use by members of a low income community in Boston.
Begin Quotation:
Mel now runs the South End Technology Center at Tent City (SETC). He's made a career of doing for technology what he did for urban low-income housing, helping make it accessible to everyone.
End Quotation.

In the course of my participation in Dr. Dartnell's forum, I've been trying to build up a vision of a way for a relatively small group of people, whether on Earth or somewhere else, to survive and thrive while maintaining a current level of civilization. It seems clear that the key for success of any such community is availability of abundant and reliable energy such as might be provided by small fusion devices. For this reason I am keeping a eye on news of discoveries and of achievements in the field of fusion power, along with discoveries and achievements in all sorts of other fields that would be beneficial to such a community.

May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun May 06, 2018 11:53 pm

20180505 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

On Thursday May 10, 2018, the local paper ran an opinion piece by Jim Simon, who is described as a “former communications officer” for several corporations. The title of the piece is: “What is American's economic long game”. This and other opinion pieces should be accessible at Dispatch.com/opinion

Mr. Simon provides a number of suggestions to improve America's chances to avoid the fate of Rome, but as I read his offering, I must confess to a sense of pessimism that the people of this nation are going to be able hear his voice whispering under the torrent of discord of false claims and made-up reports that characterize the times.

For example, Mr. Simon calls for a balanced budget, restoration of Research and Development funding, and improved public education.

Because this thread is based upon Adam Smith's writings, it is appropriate to comment upon “living” economics as it is unfolding “in real time” today in 2018. The saga of tariffs continues. A delegation of representatives from the United States has returned from a visit to China, with little in the way of results reported by either side. It appears that orders for soy beans may have stopped from China, although to the best of my knowledge no tariffs have gone into into effect.
In the mean time:

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 80 through 88
Title: “Growing Inventors”
Section: Nana Kyei

This section describes a fab lab set up for use by members of a community in Ghana.
Begin Quotation:
When I met Nana Kyei in 2004, … He hoped to lead his people by marrying emerging technology with local needs ….
End Quotation.

Dr. Gershenfeld then describes exploration of use of focused sunlight for use as a cutting tool, and the use of a “boundary layer” turbine invented by Nikola Tesla in 1913. In addition, Dr. Gershenfeld introduced the idea of using a “vortex tube” discovered by George Ranque in 1928.

The section closes without a hint as to how these ideas worked out in Ghana.

In the course of my participation in Dr. Dartnell's forum, I've been trying to build up a vision of a way for a relatively small group of people, whether on Earth or somewhere else, to survive and thrive while maintaining a current level of civilization. It seems clear that the key for success of any such community is availability of abundant and reliable energy such as might be provided by small fusion devices. For this reason I am keeping a eye on news of discoveries and of achievements in the field of fusion power, along with discoveries and achievements in all sorts of other fields that would be beneficial to such a community.

May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun May 13, 2018 11:51 pm

20180512 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

Because this thread is based upon Adam Smith's writings, it is appropriate to comment upon “living” economics as it is unfolding “in real time” today in 2018. The saga of tariffs continues. A delegation of representatives from the China is in the United States. There are reports that the United States would like for China to increase its purchases of American products and services in the amount of $200 billion, but a skeptical column that came my way expressed doubt that China could adjust its economy to bring about such a dramatic increase.
In the mean time:

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 88 through 92
Title: “Growing Inventors”
Section: Anil Gupta

This section describes a network for sharing inventions in India.
Begin Quotation:
At last count they had a database of ten thousand inventions.
End Quotation.

Dr. Gershenfeld concludes this chapter (speaking of personal fabrication tools):
Begin Quotation:
Under the capable guidance of them and their peers around the world, these tools can help develop the planet's most precious natural resource of all, its people and their ideas.
End Quotation.

May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun May 20, 2018 11:11 pm

20180519 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

Because this thread is based upon Adam Smith's writings, it is appropriate to comment upon “living” economics as it is unfolding “in real time” today in 2018. The saga of tariffs continues. However, on a different front altogether, the US President and the leader of North Korea are angling toward a meeting on June 12th. My understanding is that the US hopes to offer economic incentives to the North Koreans in return for giving up nuclear weapons. Most observers I have been able to catch in broadcasts or in print seem extremely skeptical that the North Koreans would give up the only leverage they have in return for assurances of possible benefits at some future time, from a United States which of late appears to be bent upon proving its unreliability. However, setting aside skepticism for a moment, is it imaginable that the Kim Family enterprise could convert from managing an entire country (albeit badly) to managing a corporation which might be composed of the people currently employed in service to the Kim Family?
In the mean time:

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 93 through 119
Title: “Addition”

In this chapter, Dr. Gershenfeld introduces a variety of manufacturing methods which involve adding material.

Begin Quotation:
One of the simplest and most common approaches to building without waste is neither additive nor subtractive; it could be called equality fabrication.
End Quotation.

This is a term I'd not encountered previously. In this section Dr. Gershenfeld describes vacuum forming and blow molding.

Later he introduces injection molding and then wraps up with 3D printing.

This chapter concludes with a provocative hint of where the book and its successor are heading:
Begin Quotation:
The molecular machinery in a cell is based around the additive assembly of proteins by other proteins.
End Quotation.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Wed May 30, 2018 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun May 27, 2018 11:52 pm

20180526 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

An example of a citation of Mr. Smith occurred in an opinion piece by Catherine Rampell, which was published in the local newspaper on Sunday, June 3, 2018. The title is: “President has difficulty getting mercantilism right”

This is the clearest example of discussion of the ongoing tariff discussion I have seen since it started.

http://www.dispatch.com/opinion/2018060 ... lism-right

Begin Quotation:
Smith showed that real national wealth doesn't come from amassing piles of gold, which are transitory. Wealth comes from increasing productivity – that is, by figuring out how to make stuff more efficiently, which permanently increases living standards.

How do you increase productivity? By specializing in what you do well. Then you trade with other people who do other stuff well. Through these transactions over time, everyone gets richer.
End Quotation.

Ms. Rampell cites a new book by:
Begin Quotation:
...trade historian Craig VanGrasstek (who) writes in his upcoming book “Trade and American Leadership: The Paradoxes of Power and Wealth from Alexander Hamilton to Donald Trump”.
End Quotation.

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 103 through 104
Title: “Building Models”

In this chapter, Dr. Gershenfeld introduces three architects.

Begin Quotation:
The introduction of automation into the making of models has implications across the economic spectrum.
End Quotation.

Next week this section will consider Frank Gehry.
Last edited by tahanson43206 on Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:47 pm

20180602 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

This post is for June 2nd. On June 15th, the local newspaper published an article by Martin Crutsinger of the Associated Press:
Title: IMF: Tax cuts will hurt growth later

Mr. Crutsinger quotes International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde who...
Begin Quotation:
said that a trade war “gives no winner and we find generally losers on both sides.”
End Quotation.

The statement by the IMF was vigorously contested by representatives of the US Treasury department.

This difference of opinion sets up an easily tested condition.

Begin Quotation:
…,the IMF forecasts growth will slow steadily in future years, dropping to 1.4 percent in 2023.
This forecast would be just half of the 3 percent growth-target that the administration has said will be produced by its policies.
End Quotation.

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 104 through 110
Title: “Building Models”
Section: Frank

In this section, Dr. Gershenfeld describes the adjustment of architectural practice by Frank Gehry from traditional paper drawings to full 3 dimensional aerospace design which totally eliminated the paper step.

Begin Quotation from page 106:
In 1990 Jim Glymph, with a background in guiding large architectural projects, joined Frank Gehry to bring CAD into the then computerless office.
End Quotation.

Begin Quotation from page 110:
Once Frank has made a model, he effectively pushes a one-hundred-dollar print button to transmit the design all the way through to construction.
End Quotation.

Next week this section will consider Larry Sass.

For a change of pace, here is a draft of a proposal for setting up Initial Public Offerings for babies at birth:

For some time I've been trying to understand economics and the human 

condition, and have read a number of books, starting with Adam Smith.

Recently, it came to me that the MAIN difference between the classes of 
humans is the amount of head start that the parents are able to provide 

their children.

By observation, I am under the impression that parents leverage their situations to provide as much advantage to their children as possible.

In addition, I am aware of (some) of the boosts provided by society as a 

whole, but I am certainly not aware of all of the kindness bestowed upon 

children indirectly through charitable gifts of various kinds 
which help to provide enrichment experiences.

So! Here is the idea that I've been mulling after a couple of years of 
reading books on economics and human development, and on prospects for 
our future in the cosmos ...

I wonder if it is possible for a capitalist society to move back the age 
of funding of talented individuals from early adulthood to birth.

The ability of parents to provide a rich learning environment for their 
children is unevenly distributed, and attempts to even out the playing 
field by generous persons are countered by resistance by selfish 
persons, and by those who simply cannot spare a dime due to their 

If we (as a capitalist society) were to issue an Initial Public Offering 
for each child born, then we might be able to even out the boost given 
to individuals, while at the same time providing additional "venture 
capital" opportunities for those with resources to invest.  (Obviously 
this would be patient money!).

At present, children are nurtured by parents, except when they are not.

In the scenario I am thinking about, the "corporation" founded around 
the "talent" would take an interest in maximizing the value to society 
of the individual.

Shares could be swapped between funders as the talents of the individual 
become more clear, so that (for example) someone who might do well in 
math and science would be funded by those who value those traits and 
think that society will benefit by their development, while someone who 
would do well in caring for others would be funded by those who value 
those traits.

Related to all of this is the idea that individuals made "official" in 
this way would have less chance of being lost in the flow of humanity 
over time.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:34 pm

20180609 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

This post is for June 9th. The “trade war” instigated by the sitting American President is moving forward. Tariffs are going into effect, and China has announced plans to reciprocate.

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 110 through 113
Title: “Building Models”
Section: Larry

In this section, Dr. Gershenfeld describes the approach taken by Larry Sass to adapt architecture “to the needs of the poorest rather than the wealthiest members of society”.

Begin Quotation from page 113:
Once the tabletop model looked and fit right, the very same design could be scaled up and produced at full size using a computer controlled routing machine and readily available 4 x 8 foot plywood panels.
End Quotation.

Begin Quotation from page 113:
Around the world there are currently a number of other processes under development for house-scale “printing,”, ...
End Quotation.

Next week this section will consider Etienne.
May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:40 pm

201806116 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

This post is for June 16th. The “trade war” instigated by the sitting American President is moving forward. Tariffs are going into effect, and China has announced plans to reciprocate. Current news reports hint that some of our previously allied trading partners are looking for ways to bring pressure upon the businesses operated by the family of the current President of the United States. If undertaken, such pressure would be brought for the first time in American history, but probably not for the first time in human history.

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 114 through 119
Title: “Building Models”
Section: Etienne

These pages contain a concise history of Etienne's journey from physics to art, and on to inspiring teacher in Latin America, where he showed his students how to “deconstruct modern technology” and then how to “reconstruct it into new forms”.

Begin Quotation on page 118:
Frank, Larry, and Etienne are all pioneers in exploring the opportunities afforded by turning physical objects into digital data, and vice versa.
End Quotation.

Next week this section will consider a section within “Building Models” entitled “Description”.
Last edited by tahanson43206 on Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: 20160413 Variations on a theme of Adam Smith

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:54 pm

20180623 Adam Smith Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with the weekly update:

From Reference #1:
Page 1028

Having completed review of “The Wealth of Nations”. I am looking for opportunities to consider more recent writings.
It seems likely that current writers will cite Mr. Smith. While I am able to catch only a small fraction of references which are likely to appear, such references come to my attention frequently, so I'll report them when they seem useful.

This post is for June 23th. The “trade war” instigated by the sitting American President is moving forward. Tariffs are going into effect, and China has announced plans to reciprocate. Current news reports indicate that some of our previously allied trading partners are implementing reciprocal tariffs on products imported from the United States. A story that is particularly interesting (to me) concerns the response of the Harley Davidson company to the tariffs. Not only will Harley Davidson have to pay more for steel imported for its US operations, but vehicles it attempts to sell in Europe will suffer a 25% tariff. In response, Harley Davidson has announced plans to manufacture vehicles in Europe.

In an attempt to understand how new technology might help the United States to address the present dilemma, this thread will include discussion of “FAB” by Neil Gershenfeld. “FAB” was published in 2005, and in 2018 Dr. Gershenfeld has teamed with his brothers Alan and John to update “FAB” and to try to see into the future of “Personal Manufacturing”. The new book is entitled “Designing Reality”. It is my intention to flow directly from “FAB” to “Designing Reality”, although influences from the 2018 book may show up in this thread as the discussion at hand may inspire them.

Reference #4 Pages 121 - 131
Title: “Description”

These pages contain a review of computer aided design (CAD) tools, using “Hello World” as a template for examples.

Begin Quotation:
A frontier in CAD systems is the introduction of user interfaces that capture the physical capabilities of their users.
End Quotation.

Next week this section will consider a chapter entitled “Playing at Work”

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
May every member of The Knowledge forum grow financially, intellectually, socially and beyond.
Posts: 1790
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:38 pm


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