20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Social Structures

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:41 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on development of social structures in human society.

Organization of groups of humans into productive associations is the basis of economic exchange.

Successful application of the principles of Division of Labor presumes a group of individuals large enough to support it.

Systems for resolution of disputes are essential for keeping tempers below the boiling point.

Systems for isolation of individuals from society to prevent injury appear to be a necessary component of successful structures.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Venetian Blinds

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:13 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on manufacture and maintenance of Venetian blinds.

This simple arrangement of thin slats and cords is an essential component of home design in 2016.

The topic has an entry in Wikipedia.org:


The knowledge which could be assembled here would include specifics of design and manufacture of at least one of the many styles that exist or have existed.

Next week the topic is planned to be ovens.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Ovens

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:40 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on manufacture and maintenance of ovens.

In 2016, there are several kinds of ovens still in active use, and new designs are available.

Ovens that burn organic material are in use throughout the world, and are still available new for sites located away from utility power, or intended for backup in case of loss of utility power.

Electric ovens are popular for home and business service.

Gas ovens are popular for home and business service.\

Convection ovens are growing in popularity.

2016/08/08 As an example of a artifact of experience that might apply to ovens:

Ovens that are at risk of tipping over when weight is placed on a door that has been opened may be secured to the wall behind the oven. If an oven is secured against falling during installation, the fact of the existence of the securing mechanism should be documented on the front of the oven. If the oven must be moved out for maintenance later on, and if the securing system is not documented, and if the securing system is not visible, then the oven may be damaged during the removal process.

A topic for next week is refrigeration, including heat pumps.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Refrigeration

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:53 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on refrigeration in general, and on manufacture and maintenance of refrigeration equipment including heat pumps.

As I look out at the human global civilization of 2016, I see a variety of levels of knowledge and skill, some in the ascendancy, some in a steady state, some in decay, some existing only in books or other media, and many gone altogether.

Communities living away from Earth will certainly lack the numbers of humans living on Earth today, for many years if not centuries.

Digital communication with the people of Earth can alleviate the lack of specific skills and knowledge, so long as there are people on Earth willing to assist those living elsewhere, and as long as there are people in those remote locations willing to accept knowledge and advice from Earth. A related need is for the ability to sustain communications on both ends. An economic incentive for the Earth side of the link may be the perceived value of creative content received from remote locations, where perspective will change over time, as compared to the constantly changing culture on Earth.

Robots with artificial intelligence may fill in the gap, by preserving and perhaps even improving levels of skill and knowledge in specific fields. Atom assembler equipment, much like 3D Printers of 2016, will permit humans at remote locations to receive and employ new structures of matter developed on Earth, or passed along via Earth from other remote communities.

However, setting aside the prospect of communities away from Earth, as I look out at the scene in 2016, I can see that there are many communities with insufficient numbers of people with appropriate levels of skill and knowledge to sustain a "normal" life in the community. A working definition of this situation is "poverty". In this view, "poverty" is a condition of inability to secure resources from the environment sufficient to sustain the community.

Communications may provide a way for residents of small, isolated communities on Earth today, to participate in economic activity elsewhere on the planet, or away from the planet if light speed delay is small.

A topic for next week might be material such as wood, both natural and artificial.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Wood

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:57 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on wood.

The topic can include all natural wood, from trees, plants or other living creatures that produce substances that have wood-like properties.

The topic can include artificial wood, of which a great variety exist in 2016.

A small subset of human beings, such as the 10,000 occasionally cited as the minimum needed for genetic diversity for a seed population away from Earth, will not be able to simultaneously master all the skills and knowledge dispersed in a population of 6+ billion on Earth in 2016.

A great deal of the knowledge and skill needed to replicate the standard of living considered "normal" on Earth in 2016 can be encapsulated in automated systems. A substantial percentage of the 10,000 would (presumably) devote their lives to understanding the body of knowledge and skill embodied in the automated systems so as to both maintain and extend them.

Meanwhile, as discussed earlier, electronic communication with Earth would provide opportunities for mutually beneficial exchange with Earth and with other away-from-Earth communities.

A substantial percentage of the 10,000 would (presumably) devote their lives to directing the automation to meet the needs of the community, and to distributing the products and produce as needed.

Some percentage of the 10,000 would (presumably) devote their lives to the arts and entertainment.

At the same time, it would seem likely that incoming flows of information from Earth and other away-from-Earth communities would provide plenty of entertainment, as well as information to stimulate thought and creativity.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:21 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on metals.

It is one thing to record best practice in a document which survives the passage of time and increase of disorder.

It is another to experience (by trial and error) attempts to replicate the advice passed along in the document.

A community away from Earth would be expected to learn about rudimentary as well as advanced methods for extracting and working with metals, but my guess is that such a community would prosper more rapidly if it had access to machinery able to ingest raw material and build metal structures atom by atom.

Biological systems do exactly that, with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

A significant capability of a metal placing system would be the ability to recreate the strong molecular bonds which have been created by metal workers over thousands of years of human history.

It appears that in 2016, 3D Printing developers are making progress in achieving desired strength in structures made of Aluminum and Titanium.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:48 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on brushes.

In 2016, in the United States and (quite likely) in most of the planet, brushes are ubiquitous and so taken for granted they are not noticed.

In studying a toothbrush, I realized that the technology to manufacture such a device so it will last for years, and so it will be safe for use by humans, is far from simple.

A device such as a hand brush for cleaning, or a broom, would be similarly difficult to manufacture, especially taking into account the wide variety of applications for which these simple tools are employed.

Simple brooms have been made from natural materials, and they are still so made today.

Brooms considered suitable for the marketplace in the United States of 2016 show signs of sophisticated manufacturing processes and considerable care in selection of materials.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:45 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on paper products.

A related subcategory would be writing surfaces in general.

While knowledge about the mass manufacture of paper products is important to be preserved, what I am looking for in this category would be machinery (or systems) that can produce products for one family.

A community of 10,000 living in a rotating habitat in the Solar System or traveling slowly towards other stars than the Sun is not going to be interested in building a manufacturing facility able to supply the Earth market of 2016.

At the same time, I am guessing that a market may exist for machinery and systems to create various paper products for a single family, on Earth, in 2016.

Customers might include: Ships (freight or passenger)
Remote villages (Alaska, Canada)
Disorganized societies (numerous in 2016)

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:08 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on time.

The impetus for this topic is the need for periodic replacement of a battery in a wrist watch.

This event brought to mind the importance of knowledge of time for navigation, as well as for coordination of human schedules and a myriad other applications.

A modern watch is a complex piece of machinery. It may consist of entirely mechanical components, or it may consist primarily of electronic components.

Earlier in this series of messages, the idea of an atom assembler was brought forward. There are many versions of this idea, going all the way back to Aladdin's Lamp, as mentioned by Robert Reich in "Saving Capitalism".

It seems to me (in 2016) that design for assembly of an electronic watch would be less challenging than design for assembly of an all mechanical one, and it might prove useful to "print" the parts separately and then assemble them into a working timepiece, either though direct human activity, or (more likely) though the programmed actions of robots designed to work at the level of miniaturization required.

In an all-digital economy such as the one I anticipate when human communities are widely dispersed in the galaxy, instructions for assembly of components would necessarily be packaged with instructions for robotic assembly.

A shared language would be necessary for this concept to work across light years, although updates could be promulgated along with transmissions of designs and assembly instructions.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:41 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on hydroponics and aquaponics.

This topic is inspired by the recent opening of a store featuring a display window demonstration of a large fish tank connected to a plant bed, with automated equipment to move water between the two growing locations, and (presumably) to monitor the water and to make any adjustments that might be called for.

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