20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:47 pm

The purpose of this thread is to provide a concise description of a culture of authors that might come into being in Dr. Dartnell's Knowledge Forum.

The most recent addition to this thread may be found by entering the search string: 20230826

Even faster is to click on the little icon to the right of tahanson43206 [ ] in the heading for this topic.

This web site is provided through the generosity of Dr. Lewis Dartnell, author of "The Knowledge"

The founding premise is that every human being is capable of creating a body of knowledge, however small, that would be of value at some point in the future.

The value might only be to the author, who would be using Dr. Dartnell's web site as a Cloud repository.

On the other hand, the value might turn out to apply to others who may discover the collection at some point in the future.

The first rule of thumb is that the author will attempt to keep the brand of their membership in the forum present in the Current Week Active Topics list.

The second rule of thumb is that feedback to the author will be provided via the private email service, instead of by posting a message in the author's thread.

As a point of reference for later posts in this thread ...
Reference 1) The Knowledge
How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm
Lewis Dartnell (c) 2014
Published by Penquin Books
ISBN 978-1-59420-523-1 (hc)
ISBN 978-0-14-312704-8 (pbk)

yyyy/mm/dd Stub for Reference 2

2018/01/04 Addition of Reference #3:

Title: Learning By Doing
The real connection between innovation, wages, and wealth.
Author: James Bessen
Publisher: Yale University Press
(c) 2015

ISBN 978-0-300-19566-8
Part I. Technology
Part II. Wages
Part III. Technology Policy

2018/01/06 Update: James Bessen participated in a panel discussion on artificial intelligence and the future of work.
The CSPAN video and a transcript are available here:
https://www.c-span.org/video/?432196-2/ ... ation-jobs

2017/02/21 Addendum
In private conversation with Dave Z and Maurice Goldsmith on this forum, I have come to the realization that Dr. Dartnell's forum can become a legacy vehicle for its members. It is possible for a member to contribute a single nugget of insight, wisdom or knowledge to the forum each week, in a continuous thread. This repository will live on past the demise of the member, and it can be mentioned in the member's obituary. As with the Author concept described above, it would be courteous of other members of this forum to resist the temptation to intrude upon the member's legacy thread, and instead transmit encouragement or constructive criticism via private email. As of 2017/02/08, this thread is over a year old.

Edit: 2020/05/25 This web site is generously supported by Dr. Lewis Dartnell.
In acknowledgement of his support of this web presence, it is appropriate for me to remind visitors that Dr. Dartnell's book is still available via eBook or hard copy formats.
Amazon.com carries the book as: The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm
by Lewis Dartnell

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:34 pm, edited 312 times in total.
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Author Culture on Knowledge Forum: Maintenance

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:49 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include notes on maintenance of appliances or other machinery.

Since human memory fades over time if it is not refreshed, keeping notes on a cloud based server would permit rapid recovery of long-ago stored information.

While these notes would presumably have greatest value to the originator, they might prove helpful to others who are encountering a piece of equipment for the first time.

Wikipedia is a partial model for what might be achieved, but it differs in a significant respect.

The content stored would be identifiable with respect to the "brand" chosen by the author.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture on Knowledge Forum

Postby tahanson43206 » Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:00 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include nuclear (fission) power plants.

Despite the risks of nuclear power, the upside potential is worth pursuing.

The Chinese are pursuing sea borne nuclear fission power plants for production of electricity.

A potential application of this technology is production of Hydrogen for use on land.

Nuclear (fission) power has been used successfully and without problems at sea since 1954.

A nation or other entity which employs nuclear fission to produce Hydrogen for power would at the same time be delivering clean water to customers who use the Hydrogen for simple production of electricity.

Alternatively, customers can use Hydrogen for production of hydrocarbon fuels, or for other useful substances such as lubricants.

This subject would accommodate more than one author track here.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Agriculture

Postby tahanson43206 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:05 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include agricultural lore and practice.

Of particular interest to those looking ahead to human habitation away from Earth is "urban" agriculture.

A challenge which has not been met to date, is successful production of heavy energy crops indoors.

While attempts have been made to grow wheat in hydroponic solution (for example) to the best of my knowledge none have succeeded, whether using natural or artificial lighting.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Medicine

Postby tahanson43206 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:05 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include medical science and practice.

This focus could occupy thousands of authors, for entire lifetimes.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Engineering Lore

Postby tahanson43206 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:50 pm

A repository of personal knowledge might include engineering lore and practice.

This focus could occupy millions of authors, for entire lifetimes.

Books and papers (and in recent years, electronic articles) serve to convey knowledge from one generation to the next.

My observation is that each practitioner builds up a model of the external world that may be passed along to an apprentice, but otherwise dies with the practitioner.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Wisdom of Age

Postby tahanson43206 » Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:26 pm

CSPAN is a network in the United States, funded by the Cable Television industry to carry out a public affairs mission.

On Friday, 2016/03/25, CSPAN Channel 1 broadcast a meeting on the "Future of Aging" held in Los Angeles.

Broadcast time: 2:18PM (Eastern Standard Time) Future of Aging

Details about the program are available at:


Begin Quotation:
Future of Aging Aging Expert Paul Irving talked about his book, The Upside of Aging:
End Quotation.

Begin Quotation from the Milken Institute web site:
Paul H. Irving is chairman of the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging and distinguished scholar in residence at the University of Southern California Davis School of Gerontology.
End Quotation.

Among the points made by Mr. Irving was the capability of older persons to continue contributing to the progress of the human project after they have completed their traditional earning and child rearing life phases.

Along the way, it occurred to me that perhaps the Knowledge Forum would benefit if its existence were made known to them.

Since this thread is dedicated to the concept of an "author culture" in the forum, it follows that older persons are likely to be living repositories of knowledge, some of which might be based upon principles which are valid from one generation to the next.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Ideal Habitat

Postby tahanson43206 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:54 pm

A body of work around the theme of an "ideal" habitat would be a good fit with the Knowledge Forum.

My concept here is more inclusive than would be the Earth restricted default. An ideal habitat would function equally well whether expressed on Earth, or any (reasonable) location away from Earth.

Essential elements would start with adequate reliable power supply including redundant systems and provisions for maintenance of both knowledge and skills.

Next would be description of physical spaces where humans and multiple other creatures reside, and the subsystems needed to sustain the population.

Beyond those basics lie an unlimited range of optional topics, to cover all the factors would would come into play during the existence of such a habitat.

The current (ie, 2016) dependence of the human population on massive collections of human beings (generally organized in corporations) for production and distribution of complex products is a concern that needs to be addressed.

The "ideal" habitat would include machinery able to fabricate objects at the atomic level, in a logical extension of the current (ie, 2016) 3D Printing technology.

The "Star Trek" replicator was itself based upon science fiction visions of previous decades, and (perhaps) even some scientific speculation (Eric Drexler and Nanotechology).

The current (ie, 2016) dependence upon massive corporate organizations is a vulnerability for the population of Earth, which can (and in my opinion) SHOULD be addressed by design and construction of machinery able to assemble an iPhone or similar dense electronic device.

A consideration is that the time required to assemble atoms will be significant, so the means of production of complex objects could be distributed over thousands of individual equipment owners.

Design of software to produce products of various kinds would be a growth field for thousands and eventually millions.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Economics

Postby tahanson43206 » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:14 pm

A body of work around the theme of "economics" would be a good fit for the Knowledge Forum.

This topic has the feature that it (probably) cannot be understood by a human being, so individual essays are likely to comprise only glimpses of the totality.

Over the course of a lifetime, multiple glimpses may allow an individual to gain a vague grasp of a sense of that totality.

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Re: 20160208 Vision Author Culture: Individual machines

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:30 pm

This week, as an alternative to the large themes which might be explored by a Knowledge Forum author, I'd like to introduce another option.

It is possible for an individual to devote a great deal of time to learning everything there is to know about a particular machine.

The Knowledge Forum would be a suitable repository for a series of messages, built up over decades, to capture both the creation and expected use of a particular machine or class of machines, but the unexpected uses for which it was found suitable or at least capable over the years since its invention.

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