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tahanson43206 is currently participating in newmars.com forum
tahanson43206 joined the Living Universe Foundation (LUF) subReddit on Reddit.com
Living Universe Foundation
subscriber/livinguniverse 12 subscribers, a community for 1+ months
This is the subreddit of the Living Universe Foundation. Our dream is to see humanity take life to the stars.
In NewMars.com (forum) there is a daily post which is following Mars around the Sun.
The daily Business Calendar for Mars is closing in on the second complete orbit of the Sun.
Use search windows: SearchTerm: and :TodayOnMars
Author: tahanson43206
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In recent months, tahanson43206 has been working on building a virtual business incubator in the newmars.com forum.
Use search window: SearchTerm: and :Recorder
Author: tahanson43206
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If you are interested, the concept is for a participant to take responsibility for development of a virtual plot on Mars, one kilometer square on the surface, in a community called Sagan City (2018).
Participants will interact with each other to specialize in one or more of the knowledge areas which will be needed to sustain civilized life on Mars.
The NewMars Proposed Business calendar is approaching the New Year on Mars.
The calendar will complete two full Mars Years in late December on Earth.
To see proposed Business Calendar for Mars:
Visit NewMars.com/forms and look for Today on Mars
For detailed explanation of the calendar:
Use search window: SearchTerm: and :TodayOnMars
Author: tahanson43206
Select Post
In addition, tahanson43206 is participating in a membership outreach campaign at NewMars forum. In an effort to build up a virtual business community focused upon Mars, a daily Recruiting post invites readers to participate in the Hacienda topic, or any forum topic of interest.
In the past week, a variety of topics have been under discussion as usual.
The 2021 Mars Society Convention took place in October of 2021. YouTube videos are available, and more are in preparation.
The 2020 Mars Society Convention took place in the fall of 2020. There were 150 speakers, and 130 of the talks have been recorded as videos.
As of this posting, a book is available: Mars City States - New Societies for a New World ISBN 978-1-7363860-0-2
Some of the teams whose videos are included in the conference list on YouTube are included in the book. 20 Designs are included.
The NewMars forum Administrators have closed off registrations. 19,633 ID's are registered. The vast majority of these were created by Spam robots. A process is underway to prepare these fake ID's for use by real people. The grand total of recovered spam ID's is 18,344. From now on (until policy changes again) admissions to the forum will be by invitation. Existing members are invited to nominate candidates. A mechanism for applying for membership is in use. As of 2021/12/22, the fifth By Invitation member was added to the roster.
There is an active search underway for a person who has many years of experience planning and supervising provisioning of a large cruise ship or miltary vessel. This person would assist RobertDyck in planning provisioning for the Large Ship to carry passengers in the Mars/Earth circuit.
Another volunteer opportunity would be for someone willing to help to plan space missions to Mars. There is an experienced (retired) aerospace engineer in the membership. A new member with interests along these lines would be welcome.
There is an opportunity for a person trained and experienced in biological science to lead recording of knowledge about what is needed to grow trees on Mars. A new topic "Trees on Mars" was just opened, and since no one in the forum has knowledge in this area, contributions by a knowledgeable person would be welome.
There is a discussion underway to see if the many materials prepared for computation of spacecraft orbital missions might be developed into a tutoral that would be open to anyone interested in learning how navigate a space craft.
The US Defense Department reported a successful test of a small solar panel riding in the X37b experimental space platform. The background for this experiment was reported to be the Pentagon interest in providing power from space to remote military outposts, to reduce risks due to transport of petroleum in disputed territory.
The progress of SpaceX in developing the Starship is a popular subject for discussion.
Mr. Musk announced tentative plans to launch a Super Heavy and Starship with destination of a splashdown near Hawaii.
Work is progressing rapidly on two repurposed floating oil platforms to be named Phobos and Deimos.
At the most recent update by Mr. Musk in February, 2022, regulatory approval is still pending, and work is still underway to prepare for launch.
Work is progressing on the oil platforms. However, it appears that Florida launches are a possibility, since regulary approval is already available there.
A new initiative is underway to secure funds for a probe (or a set of probes) to find a landing site for SpaceX Starships. The launch date for the probe or probes is September of 2022.
I'd like to put in here a reminder that this set of posts is possible through the generosity of Dr. Lewis Dartnell, author of "The Knowledge".
It is my hope that the support provided over a number of years will ultimately lead to renewed activity on this forum, in the accumulation of actual practical knowledge.
Clearly the NewMars undertaking is about setting up shop on another world, but in the process, I'm expecting participants to master bodies of knowledge that will, in sum, allow a First Tier civilization to come into being on Mars, in habitats in free space, and elsewhere in the Solar System.