Life Altering/Destroying Disasters

Life Altering/Destroying Disasters

Postby Guy-prog » Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:00 am

The types of disasters below have been divided into five levels based upon the area potentially effected, the number of people potentially effected and frequency with which such disasters happen.

Level 3 disasters will alter life as we know it, likely causing societal collapse

Those individuals prepared enough and lucky enough to survive a Level 4 disaster will have to rebuild civilization.

In Level 5 disasters everybody dies.

Level 1 (Individual, family, village)
- Wild animals
- Warlike neighboring groups (tribes)
- Criminals
- Insane persons
- Weather
Level 2 (City, region)
- Tornados
- Hurricanes
- Drought
- Flood
- Mudslide
- Winter Storms
- Heat Wave
- Wildfire
- Earthquakes
- Tsunami
- Volcanoes
- Riot
- Insurrection
- Terrorism
- Invasion
- Cyber attack
- Epidemic
- Economic recession
- Environmental disaster
- Famine
- Nuclear power plant meltdown
Level 3 (Nation, continent)
- Economic depression
- Cyber attack
- Failure of the electric grid
- Government repression
- Large Nuclear power plant meltdown
- Pandemic
- Civil war
- Large war
- Supervolcano
- Rocks from space
- Coronal mass ejection
Level 4 (Planetary)
- Over population
- Exhaustion of Natural Resources
- Pollution
- Ozone depletion
- Nuclear war
- Supervolcano, to extreme
- Coronal mass ejection
- Reversal of the Earth's magnetic field
- Large size rocks from space
- Self-aware computer(s) running amonk
- Space alien invasion
- Climate change
Level 5 (Solar system (and larger?)) Everybody dies
- Sun goes nova or other major solar change
- Gamma-ray burst
- Supernova within 10 to 20 light-years (some say 100 light years)
- Black hole
- Rogue planet
- Rogue star
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Joined: Fri May 20, 2016 3:21 am

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