20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:18 pm

20180303 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem. 

Per Reference #1, page lxi 
Begin Quotation: 
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea' 
End Quotation. 

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta. 

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports: 
Begin Quotation: 
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back. 
End Quotation. 

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
6 March 1521: The fleet sights the Islas de Ladrones or Las Islas de Velas Latinas, identified as Guam and Rota of the Marianas.
End Quotation.

Weather.com provided this report for Guam on March 7th, 2018: Temperature 87 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 12 miles per hour
Weather.com provided this report for Rota on March 7th, 2018: Temperature 81 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 12 miles per hour

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives. 

This post is for March 3rd. The map shows an entry for March 1st, just East and South of Guam.

On page 84, Ms. Levinson reports on events of March 6, 1521:

Begin Quotation:
Then, on the morning of March 6, 1521, a ship's boy on lookout duty shouted that he saw dim light. Soon afterwards he sighted rising peaks of two islands.
End Quotation.

Google Earth provides a view of Guam at 13 degrees 43 minutes 01.37 seconds North and 144 degrees 23 minutes 59.46 seconds East

The new picture display system is in effect, and visitors to Guam have posted at least 8 pictures. There is at least one 360 degree panorama.

This one is of the Guam Hilton Hotel.

Per http://www.calculator.net
Date Difference: November 28, 1520 – March 6, 1521
0 years 3 months 6 days
or 3 months 6 days
or 14 weeks 0 days
or 98 days
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:42 am

20180310 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition completed a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. They arrived at the island of Guam, which they called the “Isle of Thieves” . Their elation upon finding a fertile island was dashed by the exuberant behavior of the natives, who stole a long boat. This insult caused Magellan to take a force ashore to recover the boat. While they were ashore they collected supplies which were sorely needed, but the encounter was most unsatisfactory for all concerned.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
6 March 1521: The fleet sights the Islas de Ladrones or Las Islas de Velas Latinas, identified as Guam and Rota of the Marianas.
End Quotation.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
9 March 1521: The fleet departs from the Marianas on a course west by south.
End Quotation.

Those three days were eventful!

Weather.com provided this report for Guam on March 16th, 2018: Temperature 81 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 11 miles per hour
Weather.com provided this report for Rota on March 16th, 2018: Temperature 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 17 miles per hour

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives. 

This post is for March 10th. The map shows an entry for March 6th, at Guam.

On page 84, Ms. Levinson reports on events in March of 1521:

Begin Quotation:
But the joy and relief didn't last long. Suddenly, knife-wielding islanders with painted faces appeared in swift-sailing boats, which were described as “resembling “dolphins, jumping from wave to wave.”
End Quotation.

Later on page 84, Ms. Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
Furious, Magellan led forty armed men ashore.
End Quotation.

The expedition retrieved the stolen long boat and filled it with food, after killing seven islanders, injuring others, and burning village houses.

On page 86, Ms. Levinson comments:
Begin Quotation;
The captain-general had hoped for good relations with the natives upon his landing. But that was not to be. Instead, he and his mariners from afar had acted with unspeakable savagery.
End Quotation.

Antonio Pigafetta's account is given on pages 27 and 28 of Reference #1

Google Earth provides a view of Guam at 13 degrees 43 minutes 01.37 seconds North and 144 degrees 23 minutes 59.46 seconds East

The new picture display system is in effect, and visitors to Guam have posted at least 8 pictures. There is at least one 360 degree panorama.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:27 pm

20180317 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition was at anchor off the island of Homonhon in the Philippines.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
9 March 1521: The fleet departs from the Marianas on a course west by south.
End Quotation.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
16 March 1521: The fleet sights the mountains of Samar in the Philippines and anchors at the island of Suluan at latitude 11 degrees North:
End Quotation.

Google provided this report for Homonhon Island on March 24th, 2018: Temperature 76 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 18 miles per hour.
Google provided this report for Suluan on March 24th, 2018: Temperature 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 18 miles per hour

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives. 

This post is for March 17th. The map shows an entry for March 16th. Apparently this date marks the end of the time period covered by the map.

On page 88, Ms. Levinson reports on events in March of 1521:

Begin Quotation:
When the fleet anchored in a sheltered bay of a wooded island, Homonhon, Magellan planted a cross and a Spanish flag, claiming the islands for the Almighty God and K8ing Charles. Magellan was the first European to reach this region by way of a western sea route.
End Quotation.

Antonio Pigafetta's account is given on page 50 of Reference #1.

Google Earth provides a view of the region, including Homonhon Island. Kayne Yonadabz posted a picture of Suluan Island and pinned it to Homonhon Island.

The new picture display system is in effect. Homonhon Island appears to be heavily wooded to this day, and sparsely populated.

At the Southern tip of the Island, there is a memorial to Magellan's landing. An image was posted by Angel Sales. The picture is labelled: Magellan landing Site March 16, 1521.

Apparently Google did not send a camera car to this island.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:31 pm

20180324 Magellan Thread

Note that with the landing on Homonhon Island, Magellan completed the two major accomplishments of his voyage. He found the Strait that bears his name, and he crossed the Pacific Ocean for the first time by a European.

From this point on, his travels appear (to me at least) to have overlapped prior excursions by Europeans from the Atlantic side.

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition was at anchor off the island of Homonhon in the Philippines.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
16 March 1521: The fleet sights the mountains of Samar in the Philippines and anchors at the island of Suluan at latitude 11 degrees North:
End Quotation.

Google provided this report for Homonhon Island on March 24th, 2018: Temperature 76 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 18 miles per hour.
Google provided this report for Suluan on March 24th, 2018: Temperature 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 18 miles per hour

On page 88, Ms. Levinson reports on events in March of 1521:

Begin Quotation:
When the fleet anchored in a sheltered bay of a wooded island, Homonhon, Magellan planted a cross and a Spanish flag, claiming the islands for the Almighty God and King Charles. Magellan was the first European to reach this region by way of a western sea route.
End Quotation.

Antonio Pigafetta's account is given on page 50 of Reference #1.

Google Earth provides a view of the region, including Homonhon Island. Kayne Yonadabz posted a picture of Suluan Island and pinned it to Homonhon Island.

The new picture display system is in effect. Homonhon Island appears to be heavily wooded to this day, and sparsely populated.

Google is (apparently) leaving older operating systems behind. Google Earth has stopped working on Ubuntu 32 bits 16.04, but still runs on 32 bits 17.10.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:30 pm

20180331 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition has reached the island group later called the Philippines.

Per Reference #1, page lxii
Begin Quotation:
18 March 1521: Europeans make their first contact with Filipinos on Homonhon Island.
25 March 1521: Pigafetta falls overboard and is nearly drowned.
28 March 1521: The fleet anchors off Limasawa (Pigafetta's mazaua) at the southern entrance to Suriago Strait; Magellan and his men are well received there by the natives and good relations are established with Rajah Colambu.
31 March 1521: Magellan has Easter mass celebrated on Limasawa Island
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 88, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The men stayed at Homonhon for several days, to allow the sick to recover and to recondition the ships. Then the fleet continued a west by southwest course, landing on an island called Limasawa (Mazaua) at the south end of the Leyte Gulf. There the people showed high excitement, for it turned out that Enrique spoke not only their language but also their dialect.
End Quotation.

In the following paragraph on Page 88, Ms. Levinson points out that Enrique may have been the first person to have circumnavigated the earth.

Google Earth shows a picture of “Magellan Landing Site March 16, 1521”

Coordinates are: 10 degrees 41 minutes 28 seconds North 125 degrees 47 minutes 7.85 seconds East

According to Google Maps, this kidney shaped island is Homonhon Island, Guiuan, Eastern Samar, Philippines.

This island is to the West of Suluan Island, which is where Antonio Pigafetta’s record reports the fleet anchored on the morning of 16 March 1521.

Google Earth shows a picture by Kayne Yonadabz on Suluan Island, with the title “Suluan Island” under a label “Homonhon Island”

Since Google Maps shows the label “Homonhon Island” for the actual island, I am suspecting that labels in Google Earth may be contributed by volunteers, and may not be accurate.

Google Maps shows Limasawa Island at a location which is marked “Sarangani Island” in Google Earth. Both maps show Surigao Strait in the same location, so I am guessing the labels which are in dark blue may be “official labels”.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:25 am

20180407 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition has reached the port of Cebu.

Per Reference #1, page lxii
Begin Quotation:
6 April 1521: The fleet departs Limasawa.
7 April 1521: The fleet enters the port of Cebu, where, following negotiations, merchandise is exchanged for provisions, and good relations are established.
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 90, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
At the beginning of April the fleet proceeded to another island in the the Philippines, Cebu. The reception at Cebu's port city was also gratifying.
End Quotation.

In the following page, Ms. Levinson describes the religious fervor that gradually took over Magellan's mind, leading to his death on April 27th.

In Reference #1, on pages 40 and 41, Antonio Pigafetta recounts in some detail the events and people the fleet encountered as they approached Cebu.

Google maps provides a map of Cebu Island in the Philippines.

Google Earth shows Cebu Island with similar labels.

Several pictures of scenes on the island have been uploaded by visitors.

The Ground Level view of Cebu City has been filled out in 3D format.

The terrain would (likely) be unchanged since Magellan and his crew approached in 1521.

As the visitor approaches from offshore via Ground View, the skyline is filled with buildings, including several substantial buildings.

A massive causeway borders the city.

Google Maps shows “Magellan’s Cross” with the text:
Begin Quotation:
Cross brought by Spanish explorers in 1521, marking the start of Christianity in the Philippines.
End Quotation.

Google Earth shows an icon at: 10 degrees 17 minutes 37.44 seconds North, 123 degrees 54 minutes 6.44 seconds East with the title: Plaza Sugbo Magellan’s Cross

A panorama by Rommel Bundalian shows the plaza. The cross itself is surprisingly large. The dome ceiling is painted with fresco’s depicting the scene imagined by the artist.

Letters are inscribed at the top of the cross: INRI

Google provides over 39000 citations for this inscription on a cross. It is an acronym in Latin.

A plaque at the base of the cross explains that the cross on display replaces the original cross, set on this site by Ferdinand Magellan April 21, 1521.

Wikipedia provides images of the cross and the plaque as shown in the Google Earth panorama, along with text describing the history.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:30 am

20180414 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition has reached the port of Cebu, where Magellan expresses religious fervor.

Per Reference #1, page lxii
Begin Quotation:
14 April 1521: The Sultan Humabon is baptized (and renamed Don Carlos) by the flagship's chaplain with all pomp and circumstance. Rajah Colambu is also baptized and named Don Juan after the Infante. Magellan cures a sick elder, which leads to the burning of native idols.
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 90, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
Humabon had been warned by a Muslim merchant to take caution with these Christian visitors, and so he acted especially kind and pleasant.
End Quotation.

In the following pages, Ms. Levinson describes the religious fervor that gradually took over Magellan's mind, leading to his death on April 27th.

In Reference #1, on pages 44 through 50 (or so) , Antonio Pigafetta recounts in some detail the events and people Magellan met during this period.

It's difficult (for me at least) to determine from this remove, if the community leader(s) with whom Magellan was interacting were credulous or duplicitous, or something else.

By following the link in Google Earth to: magellan's cross cebu, it is possible to view scenes captured by visitors to the modern city.

Ronald Endoma uploaded an image he saved as “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish – Recoletos”
Tony Tan uploaded a view of the city from elevation, entitled “LUYM Building

Joel Gardet uploaded a picture he called “Fort San Pedro”
Nikko Sobrevinas saved an image entitled “Pilgrim Center, Basilica del Sto. Nino”
Joey Dayao uploaded an image showing terrain in the distance, taken from a boat: “Cebu”

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:15 am

20180421 Magellan Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.

Continuing with weekly update …

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition has reached the port of Cebu, where Magellan expresses religious fervor which will bring about his death in the next week.

There is no entry in Reference #1 on page lxii, for April 21st. The next entry is for April 27th, when Magellan brings about his untimely end.

Per Reference #1, page lxii
Begin Quotation:
14 April 1521: The Sultan Humabon is baptized (and renamed Don Carlos) by the flagship's chaplain with all pomp and circumstance. Rajah Colambu is also baptized and named Don Juan after the Infante. Magellan cures a sick elder, which leads to the burning of native idols.
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta, as summarized in the “Chronology of the Voyage”

In Reference #10, on page 92, Nancy Levinson offers this commentary:
Begin Quotation:
What actually was taking place in Magellan's mind and soul is left open to historical question and interpretation.
End Quotation.
And a bit later …
Begin Quotation:
He became so crazed with power that he declared he could even make Rajah Humabon's enemies on the nearby isle of Mactan bow to the Christian king of Spain as the land's supreme sovereign.
End Quotation.

In Reference #1, on pages 50 through 55 (or so) , Antonio Pigafetta recounts in some detail the events and people Magellan met during this period, leading up to his death/

Google Earth provides a view of the Philippine Islands.

Because Magellan brought about his demise on the island of Mactan, I was curious to have a look at it.

A search for Mactan, Philippines shows that it is right across a narrow waterway from Cebu City.

Visitors to the island have uploaded a number of images to Google Earth.

Sutthida Sontikiti uploaded a view of a wooden walkway leading out into what might be the waterway between the islands, with a group of friends posed in the foreground.

Kristoffer Pfalmer uploaded a view of “Magellan's Marker” with a striking sunset in the background.

Coconutcebu uploaded a view of a swimming lagoon under a modest waterfall.

Another visitor uploaded a scene of “Jpark island Resort and Waterpark, Cebu”

Jemarie Galutan uploaded a view of “Plantation Bay Resort and Spa” with friends in the foreground.

Google provided this link, in response to the query: magellans marker mactan philippines
http://www.cebu-tourism.techcellar.net/ ... ns-marker/

The text includes details about Magellan's death, and construction of the marker.

Begin Quotation:
About 20 kms. From Cebu City. Encouraged by the success of Christianizing the people of Cebu, Magellan crossed the channel to Mactan Island in an effort to spread the faith. Before he reached the shores, he was killed by the chieftain of the island, Lapulapu and his men during the battle for supremacy and freedom on April 27, 1521.
End Quotation.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:37 am

20180428 Magellan Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.

Continuing with weekly update …

497 years ago, on this day Ferdinand Magellan is deceased. His body is in possession of the islanders who defeated him and his crewmen in battle.

Per Reference #1 on page lxii, for April 27th:

Per Reference #1, page lxii
Begin Quotation:
27 April 1521: Magellan and sixty of his men in three longboats attack Raja Lapu Lapu and his forces on Mactan. They are driven back to the ships and Magellan is killed.
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta, as summarized in the “Chronology of the Voyage”

Antonio Pigafetta's record of the events of the 27th of April appears on pages 56-58 of Reference #1.

In Reference #10, on page 93, Nancy Levinson quotes:
Begin Quotation:
Four centuries later Charles McKew Parr, a historian, wrote, “It was finished. The earthly destiny of Ferdinand Magellan had led him to voyage around the world to his death, and his last weeks of religious exaltation seem to have been almost premonitory. It wqas as if the reward of earthly riches he had striven for so hard and long was not worth the having to him; once it was in his grasp his whole being turned away from it, toward the realms of the spirit.”
End Quotation.

Because this thread is following the expedition in “real time” (displaced by 497 years) it is my intention to continue following the crew as they struggled in the weeks and months ahead to secure the prize of spices for which they had sailed, and to return to Spain.

However, to my mind, the character of the man who led this expedition to this point, despite all the challenges that Nature and his fellow human beings threw at him is worth investigating further, along with the details of his preparations for his voyage of discovery.

Many others have come after Magellan, such as Roald Amundsen and Earnest Shackleton, and they too are worthy of study for their qualities of leadership.

However, thanks to Antonio Pigafetta, and to many scholars who came after him, we have a detailed record of a remarkable leader to study, from a time when Europeans were bursting with energy and zeal to explore the world.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Mon May 07, 2018 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun May 06, 2018 11:53 pm

20180505 Magellan Thread

As a note of possible interest to any readers who might be thinking of applying for membership in this forum:
It has been established that the Signature Line of your pending membership can be used for communication.
I do not have a way (at present) to see who has logged in recently, but I can check the status of the newest member.
If you have applied for membership in the forum, and no one else has applied after you, then you will be listed as the newest member.
It is easy for me to check the newest member status, because the newest member is listed at the bottom of the main page.
It has been established that while an applicant is waiting for approval by the administrator, I can send Private Mail to the applicant.
It has been established that an applicant who receives Private Mail can reply via the Signature Line of the membership.
This is a curious way to communicate, I admit, but I am interested in hearing from applicants.
I would like to hear from anyone who would like to try the culture of self-directed knowledge accumulation I have tried to demonstrate.

Continuing with weekly update …

497 years ago, on this day Ferdinand Magellan is deceased. His body is in possession of the islanders who defeated him and his crewmen in battle.
However, the trials for the members of the crew who did not die with him have entered a new phase.

Per Reference #1 on page lxii, for May 1st.
Begin Quotation:
1 May 1521: Massacre of Europeans in the island of Cebu, including Duarte Barbosa and twenty-five shipmates. At this time, the Conception is abandoned. Only about 110 men still survive. Joao Carvcalho was elected captain-general.
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta, as summarized in the “Chronology of the Voyage”

Antonio Pigafetta's record of the events from the 27th of April through the massacre of of about 24 men appears on pages 58-60 of Reference #1.

In Reference #10, on page 94, Nancy Levinson asserts:
Begin Quotation:
Upon Magellan's death, according to his will, Enrique, who had suffered a minor wound, was now a free man.
End Quotation.

However, continuing on page 95:
Begin Quotation:
… Duarte Barbosa, Magellan's brother-in-law and the Trinidad's new captain, refused to recognize his freedom from bondage and forced him to work by threat of severe punishment. Enrique was so hurt and angered that he decided to take part in a vengeful plot.
End quotation.

Continuing on page 95:
Begin Quotation:
The Europeans had turned out to be more trouble than they were worth, and Humabon decided it was time to get rid of them.
End Quotation.

At this point I am unsure if Enrique stayed behind in the Philippines, or continued on with the dwindling crew of Europeans.

On page 109 of Reference #10, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fate of Enrique, Magellan's faithful slave, is unknown.
End Quotation.

Because this thread is following the expedition in “real time” (displaced by 497 years) it is my intention to continue following the crew as they struggled in the weeks and months ahead to secure the prize of spices for which they had sailed, and to return to Spain.

However, to my mind, the character of the man who led this expedition to this point, despite all the challenges that Nature and his fellow human beings threw at him is worth investigating further, along with the details of his preparations for his voyage of discovery.

However, thanks to Antonio Pigafetta, and to many scholars who came after him, we have a detailed record of a remarkable leader to study, from a time when Europeans were bursting with energy and zeal to explore the world.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Mon May 14, 2018 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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