The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry (I'm serious)

The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry (I'm serious)

Postby Dave Z » Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:30 pm

The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry by Larry Gonick and Craig Criddle

The Cartoon Guide series by Larry Gonick is being used to teach subjects at the university level. This one, focusing on chemistry, accessibly takes one from rank beginner to a level that prepares one for most chemistry presented in The Knowledge. It even has a 'desert island' chapter involving bootstrap basics!

I would recommend this as a general introduction to the concepts underlying DIY chemistry.

It is not lab-oriented, however, so isn't stand-alone (of those listed below, Caveman is includes more lab procedure). In all things chemical, better safer than sorry.

I'm personally finding that, together, The Knowledge, this Cartoon Guide, Caveman Chemistry (Dunn) and The Addison-Wesley Science Handbook allow me to make progress toward basic chemical processes.

Dave Z
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Dave Z
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