20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:33 pm

20171223 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition has embarked upon a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for December 23th. The map shows an entry for December 22th, just below Latitude 30 degrees. In the period between the log entry of December 13th and the 22nd, Magellan altered the course significantly toward the West.

Google Earth shows Chiloe Island, and the city of Valdivia, which is located just below Latitude 40 degrees.

The weather report for Chiloe Island for December 27th of 2017 shows 59 degrees Fahrenheit. and winds of 16 miles per hour, with rain.

In a remarkable sequence of missed opportunities, Magellan's course took the fleet near but never within sighting distance of numerous islands. The first of these shown on the map provided on Page 81 of Ms. Levinson's book is: Isla Salas y Gomez.

Google Earth shows this island at 26 degrees 28 minutes 57.14 seconds South and 105 degrees 21 minutes 17.86 seconds West

Visitors to this island have kindly uploaded photographs. The terrain doesn't look particularly hospitable, but my guess would be that fish could have been found in the shoals off shore, and conceivably fresh water might have been found in the interior.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Dec 31, 2017 5:38 pm

20171230 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition has embarked upon a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for December 30th. The map shows an entry for January 1st, 1521, just below the Tropic of Capricorn. The island of Sala-y Gomez is shown almost due West of Magellan's track.

The weather report for Chiloe Island for January 6th of 2018 shows 70 degrees Fahrenheit. and winds of 5 miles per hour, with rain in the forecast.

Google Earth shows Isla Slas y Gomez at 26 degrees 28 minutes 18.01 seconds South 105 degrees 21 minutes 41 seconds West.

Visitors to this island have kindly uploaded photographs. The terrain doesn't look particularly hospitable, but my guess would be that fish could have been found in the shoals off shore, and conceivably fresh water might have been found in the interior.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:25 pm

20180106 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for January 6th. The map shows an entry for January 1st, 1521, just below the Tropic of Capricorn. The island of Sala-y Gomez is shown almost due West of Magellan's track.

The weather report for Chiloe Island for January 14th of 2018 shows 67 degrees Fahrenheit. and winds of 9 miles per hour.

Google Earth shows Isla Slas y Gomez at 26 degrees 28 minutes 18.01 seconds South 105 degrees 21 minutes 41 seconds West.

Visitors to this island have kindly uploaded photographs. The terrain doesn't look particularly hospitable, but my guess would be that fish could have been found in the shoals off shore, and conceivably fresh water might have been found in the interior.

In any case, Mr. Magellan steered well North of this location.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:08 pm

20180113 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

The weather report for Chiloe Island for January 17th of 2018 shows 63 degrees Fahrenheit. and winds of 6 miles per hour.
The weather report for Easter Island for January 17th of 2018 shows 76 degrees and winds of 6 miles per hour

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for January 13th. The map shows an entry for January 13, 1521, just above the Tropic of Capricorn. Ducie Island is shown almost due South of Magellan's track.

Google Earth shows Ducie Island at 24 degrees 40 minutes 50.61 seconds South and 124 degrees 47 minutes 16.40 seconds West.


Visitors to this island have kindly uploaded photographs. Google Earth shows this island as a lagoon formation

The island hosts a memorial to the sailing ship Acadia which went aground on Ducie Island in 1881.

The records of the court inquiry are available at http://www.plimsoll.org/resources/sccli ... /14690.asp

The newly appointed master of the vessel was not charged, but his judgment was questioned, because he knew of Ducie Island and chose to steer 15 miles away from the island at night. While the night was clear, the lookout did not see the island. The crew rowed to Pitcairn Island after losing the vessel.

In any case, Mr. Magellan steered well North of this location.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:10 pm

20180120 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

The weather report for Easter Island for January 28th of 2018 shows 74 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 19 miles per hour.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for January 20th. The map shows an entry for January 24, 1521, just above a cluster of islands including what is now the Society Islands. The region includes what is now French Polynesia.

Google Earth shows several islands clustered as Society Islands. To the East are islands of the Tuamou Ridge.

Visitors have kindly posted images of the scenery near these islands. However, it appears the photos uploaded to the Panoramio service are not longer visible.

In any case, Mr. Magellan steered well North of this location.

Last edited by tahanson43206 on Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:43 am

20180127 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

The weather report for Easter Island for February 1st of 2018 shows 74 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 15 miles per hour.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for January 27th. The map shows an entry for January 24, 1521, just above a cluster of islands including what is now the Society Islands. The region includes what is now French Polynesia.

Per Reference #1, page lxi, Begin Quotation:
24 January 1521: The fleet sights the uninhabited Islas Infortunatas identified by most authorities as Puka Puka in the Tuamoto archepelago in 14 degrees 50 minutes South (248).
End Quotation.

Google Books has an entry which includes mention of the reference to the islands:
Begin Quotation from Google citation for “islas infortunatas”:
The Great Explorers: The European Discovery of America
Samuel Eliot Morison - 1986 - ‎History
Las Islas Infortunatas On 24 January 1521, after the fleet had dropped slightly south owing to a two-day head wind, and two days after full moon, they “found an islet wooded but uninhabited. We sounded and found no bottom, and so continued on our course, and this islet we named San Pablo, because it ...
End Quotation.

On page 629 of Mr. Morison's book, he addresses a question I have had upon reading of the encounter with the “Islas Infortunatas” …

Begin Quotation:
But why did not Magellan call at one of those “Islas Infortunatas” to fish, gather coconuts, and perhaps dig a well for fresh water? Probably because he felt that in another day or two he would raise some big island and find plenty of food.
End Quotation.

In Reference #1, on page 25, in Article [43], Mr. Pigafetta provides a glimpse of a possible explanation:
Begin Quotation:
We called them the Unfortunate Islands; they are two hundred leagues apart. We found no anchorage, [but] saw many sharks near them.
End Quotation.

From this I deduce that Magellan DID consider landing, but decided not to attempt it without an anchorage for the ships.

Several sources, including Mr. Morison, speculate that the islands Magellan and the crew encountered were Puka Puka and others in the vicinity.

Google Earth shows Puka-Puka in French Polynesia.

Visitors have kindly posted images of the scenery near these islands. However, it appears the photos uploaded to the Panoramio service are no longer visible.

Fortunately, the new Google Earth photo layer appears to be available, but the number of photographs uploaded to this layer does not yet compare to the previous collection.

An image of Pukapuka Airport was provided by Richard Konn 11/03/2011.

In any case, Mr. Magellan chose not to try to pause at this location.

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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:07 am

20180203 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

The weather report for Easter Island for February 12th of 2018 shows 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 18 miles per hour.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for February 3rd. The map shows an entry for February 4, 1521, adjacent to a notation “Tiburones”

Per Reference #1, page lxi, Begin Quotation:
4 February 1521: The fleet sights the Isla de los Tiberones, probably Caroline in 10 degrees 00 seconds South.
End Quotation.

When asked for “tiburones islands pacific ocean”, Mr. Google returned a number of images and citations.

At the top of the list is a Wikipedia entry for Flint Island: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_Island

Google Earth shows Flint Island Pacific Ocean at 11 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds South and 151 degrees 49 minutes 8.34 seconds West.

Begin Quotation from Wikipedia:
Flint island was discovered by the Spanish expedition of Ferdinand Magellan on 4 February 1521, and charted as Tiburones (Sharks in Spanish) because of the many sharks that sailors fished in it. Together with Puka-Puka (named San Pablo) they were named Islas Infortunadas (Unfortunate Islands in Spanish).[2]

End Quotation.

I am glad to see that (according to this report) the Magellan expedition fished for sharks near the island group which includes Flint Island. Presumably that would have helped to alleviate some of the hunger they were experiencing, but (apparently) the shark meat did not supply the vitamin C that would have helped to address the increasing problem of scurvy.
In response to the question: “does shark meat contain vitamin c” Mr. Google responded with numerous citations, the first of which gave a definitive reply:
Begin Quotation from nutrition.healthgrove.com/l/17296/Shark:
Vitamin C, 0%. Calcium, 3.86%. Iron, 5.3%. Vitamin D, 6.8%. Potassium, 5.2%. * The % daily value is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your recommended daily intake may ... With a strong Nutrient Score of B+, shark is a fairly healthy food choice because it contains a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals per calorie.
End Quotation.
Well, that answers that!
The expedition pressed on. In the following week, the expedition crossed the Equator heading Northwest.
Last edited by tahanson43206 on Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:22 pm

20180210 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

The weather report for Flint Island for February 15th of 2018 shows 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 13 miles per hour.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for February 10th. The map shows an entry for February 4, 1521, adjacent to a notation “Tiburones”

Per Reference #1, page lxi, Begin Quotation:
13 February 1521: The fleet reaches the equator
End Quotation.

Nancy Levinson reports, on page 80:
Begin Quotation:
On February 13, they crossed the equator again, this time heading north. The blazing sun and sweltering heat were excruciating. So was the gnawing ache of hunger.
End Quotation.
The expedition pressed on. The next posting in Reference #1 is for March 6th, 1521
Per http://www.calculator.net
Date Difference:
0 years 3 months 6 days
or 3 months 6 days
or 14 weeks 0 days
or 98 days
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 6:06 pm

20180217 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem.

Per Reference #1, page lxi
Begin Quotation:
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea'
End Quotation.

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta.

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports:
Begin Quotation:
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back.
End Quotation.

The weather report for Christmas Island for February 22nd of 2018 shows 79 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 8 miles per hour.
The weather report for Jarvis Island for February 22nd of 2018 shows 84 degrees Fahrenheit and winds of 14 miles per hour.

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives.

This post is for February 17th. The map shows an entry for February 13, 1521, west of Christmas Island and north of Jarvis Island.

Per Reference #1, page lxi, Begin Quotation:
13 February 1521: The fleet reaches the equator
End Quotation.

Nancy Levinson reports, on page 83:
Begin Quotation:
Magellan was reported to have helped minister to the ill throughout the ordeal. When nothing was left from which to make a broth, he used bits of biscuit, including maggots, for nourishment. He even scraped casks that had held food, as well as slivers of barrel sawdust, to make into a thin gruel. He asked the dying and the most feeble if they had keepsakes that he might take back to their families.
End Quotation.
The expedition pressed on. The next posting in Reference #1 is for March 6th, 1521
Per http://www.calculator.net
Date Difference: November 28, 1520 – March 6, 1521
0 years 3 months 6 days
or 3 months 6 days
or 14 weeks 0 days
or 98 days
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Re: 20160920 Magellan Space City Designer Planet Simulation

Postby tahanson43206 » Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:16 am

20180224 Magellan Thread

497 years ago, on this day the Magellan expedition is engaged in a three month voyage on the Pacific Ocean. This voyage will test the courage and stamina of the crew, and a number of crewmen will die due to scurvy, although lack of adequate food was the root problem. 

Per Reference #1, page lxi 
Begin Quotation: 
28 November 1520: The fleet, consisting of Trinidad, Concepcion, and Victoria pass Cabo Pilar (which Magellan names Desaedo) on Desolation Island, and enters the Pacific Ocean: 'Wednesday, 28 November 1520, we debouched from that Strait, engulfing ourselves in the Pacific Sea' 
End Quotation. 

The quotation above is from the record given by Antonio Pigafetta. 

In Reference #10, on page 80, Nancy Levinson reports: 
Begin Quotation: 
The fleet steered north along the coast and then headed westward into the open sea, with agreeable winds at their back. 
End Quotation. 

The Accuweather report for Christmas Island for March 2nd of 2018 shows 79 degrees Fahrenheit, and winds of 10 miles per hour.
The Accuweather report for Jarvis Island for March 2nd of 2018 shows 82 degrees Fahrenheit and winds of 14 miles per hour.

https://www.yr.no/place/United_States/J ... d~5854925/
The web site above shows temperature as 25 degrees Centigrade and 8 meters per second wind speed

On page 81, Ms. Levinson provides a map, “Magellan's route across the Pacific Ocean.” from North Wind Picture Archives. 

This post is for February 24th. The map shows an entry for February 23, 1521, west and north of Barber Island.

The island showing on the map as “Barber” island may be known today as:

Per Reference #1, page lxi, Begin Quotation:
13 February 1521: The fleet reaches the equator
End Quotation.
Begin Quotation:
6 March 1521: The fleet sights the Islas de Ladrones or Las Islas de Velas Latinas, identified as Guam and Rota of the Marianas
End Quotation.

Nancy Levinson reports, on page 83:
Begin Quotation:
Magellan was reported to have helped minister to the ill throughout the ordeal. When nothing was left from which to make a broth, he used bits of biscuit, including maggots, for nourishment. He even scraped casks that had held food, as well as slivers of barrel sawdust, to make into a thin gruel. He asked the dying and the most feeble if they had keepsakes that he might take back to their families.
End Quotation.
The expedition pressed on. The next posting in Reference #1 is for March 6th, 1521
Per http://www.calculator.net
Date Difference: November 28, 1520 – March 6, 1521
0 years 3 months 6 days
or 3 months 6 days
or 14 weeks 0 days
or 98 days
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